Sunday, November 22, 2009

Report Card Guides

As report card time is just about upon us, it is time for the yearly reminder about our Standards Based Report Card. Please read "Understanding the Card" for your grade level.

Thank you.

Larry Fliegelman

Monday, November 16, 2009

June 2009 Parent Survey

Later this week, I will present this information from the Parent Survey conducted in June 2009. The results show an positive increase in many important areas.
Thank you for taking a look.
Larry Fliegelman

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Grade 6 Art

This great art project, created by the sixth graders are recreations of the Lascaux cave drawings. Come in anytime to take a look.

- Larry Fliegelman

4th Grade Poetry and Multiplication

Near Mrs. Salerno's room you can find these two great bulletin boards of student work. Poetry and multiplication are a great combination. Please come check it out.

- Larry Fliegelman

Saturday, November 14, 2009

6th Grade Biopoems

Check out these Biopoems written by some sixth graders. They are hanging in the hall near Mrs. Magee's room.

- Larry Fliegelman

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lost and Found Again

The Lost and Found Shelves in the Main Lobby are filling up fast. Please come and claim your items this week. We will be donating what is left at the end of the day on Friday.

A note about these photographs: I included a photo a few weeks back just to illustrate the amount of clothes on the shelves. Last week, I received an email from a parent thanking me for including the photo because she noticed that long-lost fleece that she didn't even realize her child had worn to school. Success. So, I include these close up photos in the hopes that one of you recognize your child's clothing. Good luck.

- Larry Fliegelman

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Student-Collected Staff Data

The 4th/5th Learning Center gathered data from staff, collated the data, and created graphs to display the data.

Some highlights: Honda seems to be the most popular staff car, red and blue are the favorite colors, and Bruce Springsteen is the favorite singer.


- Larry Fliegelman

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dias de los Muertos

Some fifth grade students created these fantastic Day of the Dead faces in Spanish class. They hang in the fifth grade hall. Please come take a look.

- Larry Fliegelman

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chorus Fundraiser Flyer

Download and complete the order form. Or you can order online at: and click on the Polar Bear icon on the Home Page (please do not select shipping option online).