Monday, January 31, 2011

14 in February Blogging Challenge (#14inFeb)

So, I got back from Educon last night, and I started thinking that I need to rev up my blogging engine again.

You see, while at Educon, the topic of blogging came up in at least two of the sessions that I attended. In both cases folks were talking about how to get more administrators to blog and be involved in online education discussions.

I mentioned that I have drafts of many blog posts already started, but that I am waiting for more fully formed writing before I publish. The consensus in the rooms was that I, and others, should publish now and not worry about our outdated print publication standards. Blog. Blog now and often the teachers and administrators were saying. Blog to share ideas; blog to develop ideas; blog to communicate vision, blog to engage the community. Blog.

So, I remembered back to June 2010 and the Spilling Ink Challenge. I have now created the
14 in February Blogging Challenge 
for any educator (or really anyone who might read this).

Since February 14 is an easily remembered day (except for at least half the men I know), I figure that number will do.

Create and share 14 Blog Posts in February. Write about your school/classroom, education reform, cool resources you've used, neato gadgets you have or covet, or whatever is on your mind. When you do, send out a tweet with the hashtag #14inFeb and add a comment here with a link to your blog.

I am especially challenging Melinda Miller and Jessica Johnson to blog with me again like we did in June.

And for crying out loud, help all the men in your life to remember the number 14 in February.


  1. Great idea and post! Blog writing can be very challenging. This blog will inspire me to write 14 posts in February. Thanks for the challenge!

  2. Great idea Larry. I have just started blogging and one of things I am trying to be very mindful of is maintaining it over the long haul. It's easy to get started...more difficult to follow through. This challenge is a great idea since blogs are most effective and impactful when bloggers actually blog! Thanks again. I will definitley be returning to your blog! Feb. 14, Feb. 14, Feb. 14...just making sure I don't forget!!

  3. Well, if that's not public peer pressure, then I don't know what is! Thanks for the challenge Larry...I need to get back to blogging.

  4. @PrincipalJ Welcome back. Can't wait to see how it goes.

  5. @Tom Schimmer Tom,

    Welcome to the blog. Please make sure that you post a link here when you blog so that we can all read your work.


  6. @Profhutch Profhutch,

    Welcome. Part of the reason to make this challenge was to get myself in gear. If we work together on this, blogging will be easier for us all (I hope). I look forward to reading what you write.

    Thank you.

  7. Alright, I'm in. Fourteen posts just might be doable. But if I run into trouble, I'm counting yesterday's as #1. Thanks for the idea and push.

  8. I work with Melinda so she better do this and motivate me to get started doing it!

  9. @Eric Juli

    Welcome aboard. Count whatever post you'd like. You might be disqualified from winning the grand prize, but no worries (actually, it ain't so grand).

    Can't wait to read.



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