As I referenced in the Newsletter, here is more information about the New Code of Conduct. The document here shows the entire code - one page. This also appears in the Handbook on pages 33-34.
One slip, two slip, red slip, blue slip. What are these slips about? The red slips allow any staff member to inform a child's teacher about some mis-behavior. When I say all staff, I mean teachers, assistants, secretaries, custodians, recess monitors, and more are empowered to ask a student to stop and/or pass the red slip onto the homeroom teacher. This consistent, building-wide approach will allow us to avoid the circumstance where the same student is asked by three or four staff members to stop running in the hall and no one knows that the student received three warnings in one day. Since all of the Red Slips go to the Homeroom teacher, there is one person tracking each student, one place for information to flow.
If a child gets three "Red Slips" in one day for violating the Code, the Homeroom teacher will contact the parents with either a phone call or a note home. Since contacting home works for many children, that will likely be the end of the unwanted behavior. However, contacting parents works best when you take the notice seriously. Please understand that we do not do these actions lightly. Sometimes, children insist they are completely innocent, and your job is to listen to your child. If you are left with questions, please call the teacher and ask. Please understand that, while mistakes are made, the vast majority of situations are based on the behavior of the child. If we work together, we can still honor the words of the children and hold the children accountable for their actions.
In the future, I will explain what happens if parent contact does not do the trick. Also, we are still working on exactly what would earn a child a Blue Slip (for doing the right thing) and what the reward or recognition might be.
Thank you.